Update on #ProjectKuiper
1/ Here’s an update to my roundup of @amazon ‘s gigantic tranche of 94 launch
contracts for its #ProjectKuiper satellite constellation
You will find more infographics at
2/ As of June 2023, no
satellites are in orbit and Amazon has just 37 months to launch 1/2 the constellation
under its spectrum license
3/ The first two are scheduled to fly on the ULAVulcan debut launch delayed until Q4 2023
4/ Here's an updated graphic showing the number of
months remaining
6/ It took @SpaceX 24 months & TBD launches to surpass
1600 in orbit

7/ Prior to lofting the #StarLink constellation, #Falcon9 had completed a total of TBD launches including #TBD in preceeding 12 months
8/ As of this writing, the only launch vehicle in the #Amazon fleet to reach orbit is the #ULAAtlasV
9/ None of the new heavy launch vehicles #HLV is yet flying - #ULAVulcan & #Ariane6 debut launches are delayed to Q4 2023 & could easily slip into 2024
Vulcan debut Q4 operational NET June 2024 https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/06/ula-shipping-vulcan-upper-stage-back-to-factory-for-more-work/
10/ #NewGlenn has no public goal for a debut flight
11/ All three new #HLV rely on new engines
12/ NewGlenn & ULA Vulcan use #BlueOrigin #BE4-4 engines & only two #BE4 engines have been seen in public
13/ The #ESA #Vulcain engines are upgrades to v2 that have been in development for years
14/ Two (2) #BE4s are required to for each #ULAVulcan & seven (7) for each #NewGlenn
15/ So #ProjectKuiper will require 38*2=76 + 12*7 = 160 or a total of 236 #BE4s as none of these vehicles are yet reusable