Understand EV charging “levels, connectors, rates, and mileage”
Understand EV charging “levels, connectors, rates, and mileage” A quick guide to all types of electric car charging, from Level 1 home charging to Level 3 fast charging. Electric Vehicle Charging Levels The automotive engineering organization SAE International outlines three levels of EV charging: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 adds two to four (2-4) miles of range per hour of charging. Level 1 charging is the slowest and easiest using a typical household 120V outlet and charging equipment is included with new electric cars. Level 2 adds twelve to thirty-two (12–32) miles of range per hour of charging. Level 2 charging may use a standard 3-prong household driver plug or may require a home charging unit . Level 2 operates at 240 volts. A typical 240-volt, 24-amp unit can put out about 6.0 kW of continuous power. But the fastest possible Level 2 charging is at 80 amps, or 19.2 kW, making it more than three times faster. The hardware on your car dictate...